It’s an honor of Sapana Village Lodge to invite all those ladies participated in Female Wildlife Guide Training jointly organized by 6 Degrees Women Academy, Netherlands and Sapana Village Social Impact. From the total number of 16 ladies who gave exam taken by Chitwan National Park and NTNT-BCC, 15 of them passed the exam and got nature guide license. It’s
truly a big achievement that could bring positive changes in the community and empower women to involve in tourism. We had a small interaction session to hear the experienced they had during the entire training period.
“I have learnt a lot about plants, trees, birds and animals through this training. I used to through around the plastic things, but I have now truly learnt about the nature and environment that needed to be protected and preserved,” said Kajol Tamang, one of the trainees. They all thanked 6 Degree Academy, SVSI, Mrigakunja Community Forest, Chitwan National Park, NTNC-BCC and all others who organized and successfully completed the project. They would like to start a guide office as a group and some would like to work in hotels as their profession.
Thanks to Gita, Debbie and all from 06 Degree Academy For Women, Netherlands to associate with Sapana Village Social Impact to organize “Female Wildlife Guide Training” in Chitwan. Our hearty thanks to NTNC-BCC, Mrigakunja Buffer-zone Forest User Group, Chitwan National Park, Mr. Tika Giri, Mr. Uday Chandra Aryal, Mr. Sujan Basnet and many others who have directly or indirectly involved and supported for the success of this inspiring project. Finally they gave the exam for guide license today and will have their result on Sunday. We are very hopeful that everyone will have the license because they were all working hard throughout the training session.